Wednesday, August 8, 2007


quick update still alive Kentucky was pretty nice and Virgina has been awesome. I have a mere 13 miles left to Yorktown tomorrow. My plan was to make it today but I think a combination of old age and hell like weather 100+ kicked my butt. Nice update with pictures soon, super tired tonight.


Beth said...

Wow Josh! You cruised! Hope you planned enough time for a little Birthday cake! Old!
Enjoy your 13 miles today and get ready for a little traveling via something other than Josh-power.
Congratulations on a truly amazing adventure - a stunning accomplishment!! Bravo!

Lucky Man said...

Congratu-frickin'-lations! You're the Man! I have much admiration. And all that stuff that Beth said. She's always stealing the cool things to say. Talk soon.

Jon said...

So where is the end of trip wrap up? Where are the pics?

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