Thursday, June 7, 2007

Arrived in Eugene

After leaving Pacific City we went through an amazing old growth forest with very few cars. Oregon is super lush our next stop was an RV park in a little place called Rose Lodge. Super nice camp sight by a river, a little sad though, most people at the RV park lived there long term. Finally I am making progress towards the East coast not just going North and South. My ride on the fourth day not very exciting all the East/West routes to the coast are fairly congested with traffic. Our final destination was the Polk County fair grounds. It was interesting, we camped in a shed/barn.

Day 5
Really nice ride into Eugene, absolutely gorgeous farm roads with very little traffic. I am still amazed at how friendly everyone has been. Checked out the REI here in Eugene a pretty nice store but actually a little smaller than us in Sandy.
I promise pictures soon. Turns out most libraries have firewalls or won't recognize my camera

1 comment:

craig w said...

Hey Josh,
We are all enjoying seeing your progress. Have fun and keep us posted.